Create Your Own Sacred Space

Sacred Space is a place you create to become aligned with your higher self and connect with Source. It is space you intentionally create to meditate, sit in stillness and be. It’s not the only place that you can do this, but it’s a way to honour your practice.

It might be a corner in your home where you feel inspired to connect with Spirit or look inward to your Soul. It can encompass a whole room or outside area and when you consciously choose to honour what you are doing, you create a powerful energy to be in the moment to do this.

Perhaps you already have a favourite place in your home where you relax and take time for self reflection. Many people have a special spot under a tree or by a creek where they like to go to feel grounded. Whether you already have a daily meditation practice or you would like to make it a part of your life, creating your own sacred space can draw you in, immediately feeling calm and centred to connect.

An alter in your sacred space gives you a way to honour the elements and directional spirits as well as angels, gods and guides. Use a small table or shelf and adorn it with objects from each of earth, air, fire and water and bring in representations of Buddha, Archangels, Jesus or God. Invoke sacredness and invite harmony and balance in creating this moment.

Remember, there is no right or wrong in how to create your own sacred space. You create the energy of your own sacred space as you bring in what feels good for you.

Directional spirits bring aspects of each of north, south, east and west depending on the doctrine followed. Native American traditions follow nature’s connections while others have more of an angelic realm or god representation. It’s your choice what to follow. There are spirit guides in your world whether you acknowledge them or not and this helps you be more aware, more often.

I like the aspects of nature with mother earth and father sky with sun and moon having their own impact as we move through cycle after cycle. The directions each have a keeper or protector and represent seasons that can also reflect the stage of life you are moving through on your healing journey.

East is the season of spring where we see new growth with colours of green and yellow. There is a feeling of hope and lightness with the element of Air that brings a new dawn, new beginnings, inspiration and creativity. This is the gateway to illumination and enlightenment.

South represents summer with the colours of orange and red that refer to the element of Fire. This is the energy of youth and vitality, hot suns and vigorous growth. The south is the gateway to the physical with trust and innocence.

West is the season of autumn and the element Water with colours of blues and browns. This direction is maturing, deepening and ripening. It is the gateway to the emotions, intuition and change.

North spirits oversee the winter season representing the Earth element with the balance of yin and yang. Wisdom and transformation and the power of letting go is the energy for this direction. With gratitude to Mother Earth we also acknowledge Father Sky or Spirit.

Buddhas are often the focus of altars representing the “Awakened One” as Buddha sees things how they truly are and embraces all living beings without discrimination. Other gods of eastern philosophies represent various areas of our lives and can be used depending on what your intention is and what you are drawn to.

If you are just starting a meditation practice, you will feel a connection with spirit take place when you create your own sacred space to come and practice this important aspect of your life. It brings your energy to a place where you welcome the feeling of allowing your mind to become still and align with your Soul.