Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is it true that only a small proportion of the population can be hypnotized?
A: The truth is that we have all been hypnotized since conception. Our sensations created our perceptions, beliefs and behavior, giving them form to how we experience our reality. Siblings growing up in the same environment formulate differently through their individual intimate “feeling” before their analytical, discerning rational, conscious mind is fully functional and engaged. In those early formative years we are like sponges absorbing incoming information, making sense through our limited perception and understanding, organizing it and storing it in our program and from there building our life reality on that foundation. What actually occurs in hypnotic session is the de-hypnotization of clients by following the sensations back to where they were misinterpreted and seeing them truly with both the conscious and subconscious mind present. From there the client develops a synergistic relationship with both the conscious and subconscious mind and a new self awareness emerges that is expansive.
In the arena of traditional facilitated hypnosis with a professional 90-95% of adults can be formally hypnotized to some degree. Some will respond more rapidly than others. Individuals enter a formal hypnotic trance state more easily and quickly with successive inductions.
There are 2 classes of people who cannot enter a facilitated trance state at all. Those mentally incapable of focusing and infants too young to understand the words of the hypnotherapist.
Q: Does the Hypnotherapist have absolute control over a person’s mind and body?
A: This is the most injurious of all misconceptions concerning hypnosis. No hypnotists can make a person say or do anything contrary to their deep-rooted principles. Any suggestion that arouses sincere moral indignation or repugnance is immediately felt as untrue by the body sensations and causes the client to break the trance, either by coming out of it or by lapsing into an ordinary sleep. The hypnotherapist is guiding and assisting the person rather than controlling. It is the client’s skill of inner communication that is being enhanced. As the client recognizes, acknowledges and releases the feelings that are at the base of an issue, then their thoughts will change, their perceptions will change and their beliefs will change bringing a new reality. In a formal trance session people can count themselves out of a hypnotic state at anytime simply by counting themselves up.
Q: Does Hypnotherapy require a deep trance state to be effective?
A: Hypnosis has many therapeutic uses, but results do not depend on depth of trance. Because we are accessing the subconscious feeling mind, the bigger the feeling, the deeper you will go into hypnosis.
Q: Is hypnosis dangerous?
A: Therapeutic hypnosis is perfectly safe when used properly by an experienced practitioner who has proper training. Hypnosis is non-additive, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Q: How does the medical community receive hypnosis?
A: The American Medical Association accepted the therapeutic value of hypnotism in June 1958. Canadian and British medical associations agreed on April 23, 1995. Hypnotism is used in many dentist offices to produce drugless anesthesia without suffering or anxiety to the patient. As the benefits of hypnosis become more widely recognized, more expectant mothers are following hypno-birthing and hypno-babies programs to prepare for delivery. Some hospitals are now offering medical hypnosis to their patients. Many psychologist and psychiatrists use hypnosis with their patients.
Q: Does hypnotherapy, like psychoanalysis require lengthy ongoing sessions?
A: With many clients complete relief can be obtained in a comparatively short time. On some occasions a couple of treatments are all that are required. Most require a series of treatment over several sessions.
Q: How does hypnosis work in comparison to other traditional modalities?
A: Recovery rates for various treatments:
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 72 sessions
Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
Source: American Health Magazine 2006
Q: Is Hypnotism Voodoo?
A: Hypnotism is scientific. It is not supernatural nor of the occult, but the purely natural manifestation of the powers of the human mind. Each one of us enters a hypnotic state, accessing the subconscious mind, many times in the day, awake or near sleep, watching TV, driving, reading, day dreaming or engaging in hobbies. This is called “waking hypnosis” or “natural hypnosis”.
Q: Can a person be hypnotized against their will?
A: A person must consent to be hypnotized before they can be induced to enter the hypnotic state with a professional.
Q: Is it possible for people to be in a natural and waking hypnosis without their knowledge or permission?
A: This type of hypnosis is a light state of hypnosis that the person may not be aware that they are in. This can happen when there is a combination of focus, emotion and interaction with an authority figure or someone who the person feels is credible (parent, teacher, doctor or peer).
Q: How do I know that I am in the hypnotic state?
A: The conscious / thinking mind is completely relaxed but not asleep. It is in the background while the subconscious / feeling mind is in the forefront. Hypnosis is a deep focus on the feeling and imagination. As soon as you close your eyes and start imagining you’ve gone from a thinking mind to a feeling mind.
Q: Will I know what is happening while I’m in hypnosis?
A: In light and medium stages of hypnosis you are fully aware of what is being said and done. When you emerge from the hypnotic state you will remember every detail. You may actually deny that you were hypnotized at all. Even in deep trance people hear and know all that is going on but they may not remember all the details upon emerging.