The interconnected energy of all that was, all that is and all that will be.

How to access the wisdom.

The Wisdom Field is the energy of the consciousness or the memory of all thoughts, ideas, comments and actions since the beginning of time. It’s also known as the Superconsciousness, Akashic Records, Cosmic Collective, Universal Energy and many, many other descriptions.

Our own personal wisdom field is the energy of our subconscious mind, everything we have experienced; thoughts and emotions, lives we’ve lived, events and energy we’ve been exposed to. Collectively we create a consciousness of a community in the actions of working, planning and living together.

On a bigger scale, a city has a consciousness and when you think about the difference in the consciousness of the city of New York and the city of Paris for example, the behaviour and beliefs of the people and their leaders make up what that city is all about. Each individual country has a consciousness and they are all unique in the values and ideas displayed throughout the creation of rules, regulations, policies and ideals.

Planet Earth has a consciousness and we’ve seen it change over time from living in nature as hunters and gatherers with very simple and sparse thought processes through industrialism and the more complex digital connections now taking place. Whatever was happening throughout history, there was a consciousness created depending on the nature of the times.

We’ve witnessed masculine energy of force and aggression gradually change to the current rising up of feminine energy with more compassion and understanding, creating a healing consciousness on our planet today. It’s small but mighty and it’s the understanding of the wisdom field that is going to bring about more awareness of our connection to make the world a better place to live.

In Gregg Braden’s book “The Divine Matrix”, he refers to studies that led to the International Peace Project in the Middle East where a group of people meditated with the common goal of feeling peaceful, all at the same time. While imagining the feeling of love and compassion actually decreased the incidents of crime and violence in that area.

This “Maharishi Effect” was named after Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who stated that one percent of a population who practiced specific methods of meditation would effect a change on that population beyond the walls of where it was done.

The reason that this worked was because we are all connected energetically through the field of wisdom. Whether it is the consciousness of a community, city, country or planet, that energy effects the energy around it. So you can imagine as the feelings of peace and love was creating the energy of peace and love, it spread the feelings of peace and love.

Essentially, we have the means within a small percentage of the population to make change on a global scale!

Bring this idea into your own little world and you have the ability to change your relationships with those around you simply by allowing the feeling of peace to flow through you. When you live in peace, it effects those you connect with, even if they don’t know you. You can be the 1% and affect 99 others!

You can be the one to let go of the harsh emotions, anger and frustration and learn to live from your heart with compassion, patience and understanding. You can allow peace to radiate with your presence in everything you do and you contribute to the vibration of the consciousness of the planet to heal and nurture itself back to health.

Why access the Wisdom Field?

Ask questions, understand yourself and align with your Soul

There are many reasons to purposely access the wisdom field and when you start to find answers to questions about yourself and life itself, you find you create more trust in yourself to interpret the information and you refer to it more often as a resource to create what you want in life.

Many times people feel disjointed in their professions or relationships and when they connect with their higher selves, they feel more aligned with their Soul and to know what is right for them. By tapping into the field of wisdom that is everywhere we know ourselves more truthfully and we are able to align with that truth.

How to access the Wisdom Field?

Psychics, Clairvoyants, Mediums and Mystics access the Wisdom Field easily

You also have this ability and for some it will take some practice to experience results. When you train yourself to sit in stillness, you tune into the vibration of the energetic wisdom field. You might also tap into it while in your dream state, through meditation or through a meditative sport such as skiing or swimming.

Cynthia’s mentorship program, her retreats and one on one sessions are opportunities for you to explore the wisdom field with an experienced guide that supports you on your healing journey. She invites you to set up a time for a discovery session to learn more about how you can tap into the wisdom field andĀ open up to your own extraordinary powers.

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