As we shift into a special new year of the dragon, I ask that you take a close look at the responsibilities you choose to have in your life. Take some time and really evaluate the responsibilities you have now, and perhaps some that you refuse to accept.

Are you truly looking after yourself? Are you doing the best for you? You are responsible for how you treat yourself, as well as how you allow others to treat you. Go within for answers and change as needed to find balance in what you allow in your life. Learn to look after your mind, body and soul and connect with those that give positive influence. You deserve to be free of any encumbrances that hold you back from your true potential.

Perhaps you are taking on a victim role instead of taking responsibility for your own actions. It’s time to learn to change your attitude and be responsible for the choices you make. Create a different reality by taking responsibility for what is really going on. You will gain strength and credibility by standing up instead of standing still.

Are you taking on more responsibility than you should? Taking it away from others? Perhaps you have taken more responsibility than you really need to. Ask yourself: Should I allow someone else to look after this so that they might learn and grow from it? Sometimes we have to step away in order to really be helpful in the long run. Allow that someone to be responsible for their own actions and you might find balance that allows both of you to live in harmony.

Are you fully engaged in your family, work & community? Do you know how your actions affect others? Perhaps it is now time to get involved and make your role effective in making positive change for the good of the whole.

If you feel that you need to create change in any of these areas, then jump in and make it happen! This is your chance to step up and do what you are meant to do on this earth. Be responsible for the choices you make and restore balance in your world.