What does Synchronicity mean for you? For some, it means being able to merge into traffic with just the right speed or receiving a call from someone you were just thinking about. For others it may be that you were at the right place at the right time to receive an offer or promotion.

What I understand is, that more and more people are experiencing synchronicity and loving the way the universe works with them.

As we all move toward higher consciousness, I believe that we will experience more coincidences as our energies align to bring about common goals. I truly believe we are able to use our powers at a greater level to make events come to us to create our circumstance.

I have been moving through transformation at a great speed these last few years and as everything comes together for me, it’s as I have willed. All the pieces are falling into place.

In order for manifestation to occur we must expect it to happen and sometimes that is the missing link; to really believe that it will come about. If you have the desire to create something, take it to the next level and really believe that it will happen. Visualize yourself living it, fully and completely. Make it really vivid with colours and emotions, as if you have already accomplished it. Then watch your dream unfold as you are able to accept it’s coming.
