Love Letter

A Love Letter For You

A Love Letter
 For You

I am so grateful we are connected by the flowing energy of universal love. It brings us together in faith and trust and it’s inspiring to know that there are so many other wonderful light workers like you in the world.

My heart sings because I know you are there. When I think of you I smile inside.

The energy of what we are creating together, a world of peace and love ignites me from within and I feel compelled to continue on a healing path for everything that we are.

Thank you for your involvement and engagement in the harmonious process of making this a better place to live. I know you are working tirelessly to balance the energy in your daily life.

The passion I feel when I imagine a place for future generations that will sparkle with the energy of light workers everywhere inspires me and feeds me more, with love and the wonderful divine feminine goddess energy.

It’s exciting to know that we are moving into a place of higher vibration of truth that brings us all together and it inspires me to know we are all wrapped up in the crystalline matrix of energy everywhere!

Let’s embrace this beautiful feeling of connectivity to fuel us further into a vortex of divine light that spirals about us. We truly are the seeds of love that will sustain us for all time.

You are the light that shines.

Blessing you to a higher plane of peace and joy, all to your higher good.

With love through infinity
