Spring at Pacific Peace Retreat means bird watching, planting gardens and identifying wild plants in the forest. I love this time of year and every day we see more and more birds as they sing their morning songs.

The eagles are in flight and come quite close to the retreat and when we are in the canoe they swoop down as if to say hi. The hummingbirds are quite active around the feeders and families of flickers can be seen in foraging in the trees.

Spring at Pacific Peace Retreat means walking through wildflowers in the forest and watching growth at such a fast pace from one week to the next. Blossoms of honeysuckles, bunch berries and salmon berries dot the paths with colour and fragrance on our walks to the beach and it’s almost as if you can feel the energy of growth emerging from the earth.

Spring at Pacific Peace Retreat means planting the gardens that promise to provide for the months ahead with herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers and greens. It’s a wonderful time of year!


Spring at Pacific Peace Retreat


Spring at Pacific Peace Retreat


Spring at Pacific Peace Retreat

Deer on the Lawn

Spring at Pacific Peace Retreat

Hummingbirds at Dusk