Heart Chakra

Located at your heart centre representing the air element with a sense of touch and the colour green, the Heart Chakra relates to your thymus, heart, blood circulation, immune system, lower lungs, rib cage, skin, upper back and hands.

Gemstones used are emerald, green jade, kunzite, rose quartz and tourmaline.

Aromas used are marjoram, orris root, rose oil and yarrow.

The tone is “F” with the sound of Ah.

The Heart Chakra represents your unconditional love, forgiveness, healing, compassion, understanding, transformation, warmth, sharing, sincerity, devotion and selflessness.

Affirmations used are “I am an open channel for divine love”, “I put my heart into everything I do”, “I love opening my heart and sharing it with others”.

If you would like to experience more compassion, understanding and forgiveness, close your eyes and visualize the Heart Chakra Energy Centre at the heart centre open and flowing with beautiful green energy, in perfect balance. Repeat the affirmations with emotions that you are living a devoted life with sincerity.

Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra