Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

Located at your throat representing the ether element with a sense of sound and the colour blue, the Throat Chakra relates to your thyroid and controls the jaw, neck, throat, voice, airways, upper lungs, nape of the neck and arms.

Gemstones used are aquamarine, blue sapphire, chalcedony and turquoise.

Aromas used are benzoin, eucalyptus, frankincense and sage.

The tone is “G” with the sound of Eh.

The Throat Chakra represents your creative self expression, communication, inspiration, confidence, integrity, wisdom, truth, freedom, independence and access to subtler levels of being.

Affirmations used are “I freely express my thoughts and feelings”, “I always communicate clearly and effectively”, “I speak with truth and wisdom”.

If you would like to experience better communication, more confidence and self expression, close your eyes and visualize the Throat Chakra Energy Centre at the throat, open and flowing with beautiful blue energy, in perfect balance. Repeat the affirmations with emotions that you are living with truth, independence and freedom.