Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Located at the centre of the forehead representing light with the colour indigo, the Third Eye Chakra relates to your pituitary gland and controls the endocrine system, left brain hemisphere, left eye, nose, ears, sinuses and parts of the nervous system.

Gemstones used are azurite, calcite, lapis lazuli, sodalite and quartz.

Aromas used are jasmine, mint, mugwort and star anise.

The tone is “A” with the sound of Ee.

The Third Eye Chakra represents your inner vision, intuition, insight, clairvoyance, imagination, extra-sensory perception, idealism, concentration, peace of mind, projection of will and manifestation.

Affirmations used are “I am perfectly attuned to my vision”, “I use my imagination for positive, creative purposes”, “I move towards my vision with clarity and purpose”.

If you would like to experience more clarity with more concentration with insight, close your eyes and visualize the Third Eye Chakra Energy Centre at the centre of your forehead, open and flowing with beautiful indigo energy, in perfect balance. Repeat the affirmations with emotions that you are able to listen to your intuition to manifest your goals and have peace of mind.