Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head representing thought, with the colour white violet, the Crown Chakra relates to your pineal gland and controls the cerebrum, right brain hemisphere, central nervous system and right eye.

Gemstones used are alexandrite, amethyst, clear quartz, diamond and selenite.

Aromas used are lotus, olibanum, rose, and spruce.

The tone is “B” with the sound of ohm.

The Crown Chakra represents your unity with the omnipresent being, divine wisdom and purpose, universal consciousness, bliss, understanding, enlightenment and perfection.

Affirmations used are “I am now consciously living my divine purpose”, “I am in total harmony physically, mentally and spiritually”, “I am one with God and all of creation”.

If you would like to experience a connection with your high self or divine spirit, close your eyes and visualize the Crown Chakra Energy Centre at the top of your head, open and flowing with beautiful white violet energy, in perfect balance. Repeat the affirmations with emotions that you are living your divine purpose with wisdom, understanding and bliss.