Root Chakra

Located at the base of your spine representing the earth element with the sense of smell and colour red, the Root Chakra relates to your adrenal glands and controls all the solid body parts; spine, bones, teeth & blood as well as the colon, and prostate gland. Gemstones used are agate, bloodstone, hematite, red coral, red garnet & ruby. Aromas used are cedar, clove & pepper. The tone is “C” with sound of “ooh”. The Root Chakra represents our survival and full acceptance of life on earth, power to achieve goals, vitality, satisfaction, security, primal trust, courage and most of all, grounding. Affirmations used “I am stable, safe & secure”, “I am rooted in my life and in myself”.

If you feel scattered or would like to feel more grounded, close your eyes and visualize the Root Chakra Energy Centre at the base of your spine open and flowing with beautiful red energy, in perfect balance. Repeat the affirmations with emotions that you are stable and secure… grounded.

Root Chakra

Root Chakra