I’ve been practicing a new energy healing process that has been truly amazing. It’s called Access Consciousness and as a Practitioner of Access Bars I have found that it helps to release the energy of out-dated thought patterns and limitations that prevent opening up to the possibilities that are there for us to explore.

When you become aware of what you say, the habits you create and the actions you take, you start to see that it’s possible to live without judgment. You start to open up to receive everything and accept what is. You start to see that you can set yourself free and allow the Universe to be what it is.

Imagine a world where there aren’t the automatic thoughts of failure or judgment of yourself or anyone else. Imagine a world where you are living freely, accepting the gifts of the Universe without any limitations. No longer do you have to belief something because that’s just the way it was in the past. You CAN create a new future when you let go of the thoughts, ideas and beliefs you have stored in your head.

By lightly touching 32 points on your head, bars of energy are created that release the old patterns and let everything go. You allow the creation of new thoughts of the dynamics of money, awareness, creativity and many other aspects of your life.  You live with a sense of freedom.

“The purpose of Access is to create a world of consciousness and oneness.”

head chart